Index of values

add [Calc.Env]
add_axiom [Lilis.SymbEnv]
Add symbols from an axiom to symbolic environment.
add_post_rule [Lilis.SymbEnv]
Like add_rule but allow polymorphic rules.
add_rule [Lilis.SymbEnv]
Add symbols from a rule to a symbolic environment.
apply [Lilis.Make]
apply rules lstream will apply rules once to lstream.
apply_complete [Lilis.Make]
As apply but with a complete mapping.

bind [Calc]
Replace each variables by a subtree.
bind_opt [Calc]
Replace some variables by a subtree.

cairo_turtle [LisCairo]
A turtle that can draw on any Cairo surface.
check_rule [LisUtils]
As check_stream for a rule.
check_stream [LisUtils]
Check a stream against an environment.
closure [Calc]
Compress the string in the optional env and return the resulting closure.
compress [Calc]
Compress a tree in the given environment, ie.
compress_calcs [LisOptim]
Apply Calc.compress to every arithmetic expressions.
compress_custom [Calc]
Compress a tree using the given function, ie.
compress_lslist [Lilis.Make]
compress_lstream [Lilis.Make]
compress_lsys [Lilis.Make]
compress_post_rules [Lilis.Make]
compress_rules [Lilis.Make]
constant_folding [LisOptim]
A symbol is considered a constant when it's not used in any of the main rules of a L-system.

empty [Lilis.S]
empty [Calc.Env]
eval [Calc]
Evaluate a tree in the given environment.
eval_custom [Calc]
Evaluate a tree, the given function is used to evaluate variables.
eval_fold_lsys [Lilis.Make]
eval_iter_lsys [Lilis.Make]
eval_lsys [Lilis.Make]
Evaluate a L-system at the n-th generation.
eval_lsys_uncompress [Lilis.Make]
Like eval_lsys , but will ignore post rules and uncompress the stream instead.
expand [Lilis.S]
extract [Lilis.SymbEnv]
Create a symbol environment from an axiom and a bunch of rules.

fold [Lilis.S]
fold [Calc]
Depth first left to right traversal of the tree.
fprint [LisUtils]
fprint_rule [LisUtils]
from_channel [LisUtils]
from_string [LisUtils]

gennew [Lilis.S]
gtk_turtle [LisCairo]
A turtle that write on a gtk surface.

iter [Lilis.S]
iter [Calc]
Iteration on everything.
iter_complete [Lilis.Make]
Take a rule composed of unit functions and apply it to the stream.

jsturtle [LisJsoo]

lsystem_from_string [LisUtils]
Parse only one lsystem.

map [Lilis.S]
map [Calc]
Change variables representation using the given function.
map_crules [Lilis.Make]
mem [Calc.Env]

of_list [Lilis.S]
of_list [Calc.Env]
of_string [CalcUtils]
Parse an arithmetic expression.
orders [Glilis]
Mapping from string tokens to orders.

png_turtle [LisCairo]
A turtle that write to a png file.

replace_in_post_rules [LisUtils]

singleton [Lilis.S]
store [Lilis.S]
string_of_ParseError [LisUtils]
Output "Parse error on line %line, colunm %col, token %token"
svg_turtle [LisTyxml]
A turtle that draw to svg.
svg_turtle [LisCairo]
A turtle that write to a svg file.

template [LisTyxml]
template size path returns a complete svg elements using the path.
to_list [Lilis.S]
to_string [LisUtils]
to_string [CalcUtils]
Print an arithmetic expressions.
transform_lsys [Glilis]
Can be feeded directly to Lilis.Engine.eval_iter_lsys.
transform_rhs [Glilis]
Can be combined with Lilis.Engine.map_crules to use Lilis.Engine.eval_iter_lsys.
turtle [Glilis]
This turtle implements most movement calculations, without any actual drawing.

uncompress_lstream [Lilis.Make]
union [Calc.Env]
usual [Calc.Env]

vars [Calc]
Get the sequence of variables in the given tree.