Index of values

( **> ) [Tyre]
(ti,s) **> t is prefix (ti,s) t.
( *> ) [Tyre]
s *> t is prefixstr s t.
( <* ) [Tyre]
t <* s is suffixstr s t.
( <** ) [Tyre]
t <** (ti,s) is suffix t (ti,s).
(-->) [Tyre]
tyre --> f is Route (tyre, f).
(<*>) [Tyre]
t <*> t' is seq t t'.
(<?>) [Tyre]
t <?> t' is alt t t'.

alt [Tyre]
alt tyreL tyreR matches either tyreL (and will then return `Left v) or tyreR (and will then return `Right v).

bool [Tyre]
bool matches true|false and returns the matched boolean.
build [Tyre.Internal]

compile [Tyre]
compile tyre is the compiled tyregex representing tyre.
conv [Tyre]
conv ~name to_ from_ tyre matches the same text as tyre, but converts back and forth to a different data type.

eval [Tyre]
eval tyre v returns a string s such that exec (compile tyre) s = v.
evalpp [Tyre]
evalpp tyre ppf v is equivalent to Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (eval tyre v), but more efficient.
exec [Tyre]
exec ctyre s matches the string s using the compiled tyregex ctyre and returns the extracted value.
extract [Tyre.Internal]

first [Tyre]
float [Tyre]
float matches -?[0-9]+( .[0-9]* )? and returns the matched floating point number.
from_t [Tyre.Internal]

greedy [Tyre]

int [Tyre]
int matches -?[0-9]+ and returns the matched integer.

list [Tyre]
list e is similar to rep e, but returns a list.
longest [Tyre]

nest [Tyre]
non_greedy [Tyre]

opt [Tyre]
opt tyre matches either tyre or the empty string.

pos_int [Tyre]
pos_int matches [0-9]+ and returns the matched positive integer.
pp [Tyre]
pp_re [Tyre]
prefix [Tyre]
prefix (tyre_i, s) tyre matches tyre_i, ignores the result, and then matches tyre and returns its result.
prefixstr [Tyre]
prefixstr s tyre matches s then matches tyre and return its value.

regex [Tyre]
regex re is a tyregex that matches re and return the corresponding string.
rep [Tyre]
rep tyre matches tyre zero or more times.
rep1 [Tyre]
rep1 tyre is seq tyre (rep tyre).
route [Tyre]
route [ tyre1 --> f1 ; tyre2 --> f2 ] produces a compiled tyregex such that, if tyre1 matches, f1 is called, and so on.

separated_list [Tyre]
separated_list ~sep tyre is equivalent to opt (e <*> list (sep *> e)).
seq [Tyre]
seq tyre1 tyre2 matches tyre1 then tyre2 and return both values.
shortest [Tyre]
suffix [Tyre]
Same as prefix, but reversed.
suffixstr [Tyre]
Same as prefixstr, but reversed.

terminated_list [Tyre]
terminated_list ~sep tyre is list (tyre <* sep) .
to_t [Tyre.Internal]

whole_string [Tyre]
word [Tyre]